Leeds Cycling Consultation Forum is held quarterly, usually on a Wednesday early in the month. The meeting opens at 6.00pm for a 6.15pm start, finishing no later than 8:45pm and we usually go for a drink afterwards! The Forum is held in the Civic Hall, Leeds - the white building on Millennium Square, with the golden owls. There is some cycle parking outside, and we can also bring bikes into the building and leave them in the downstairs corridor on the left. Just ask at reception and they'll tell you which room the meeting is in.
The Cycling Consultation Meeting is a forum for discussion of matters related to cycling in Leeds. It is open to interested members of the public so anyone can attend, and is attended by elected members and officers of Leeds City Council.
The Forum often looks at road schemes in the planning stages, and will discuss big projects such as the NGT Trolleybus scheme and longer term strategies. It is our chance to talk directly to the Council's planners about things that affect us - from a single piece of road design, to how much money will be spent on cycling over the next 15 years!
Links to the individual meeting pages: