leedscyclingcampaign's blog

Proposals to relocate the South Parade road closure: our response

Leeds Cycling Campaign recently wrote to the Council to object to a proposal to change a road closure on South Parade in Headingley.

We argued that the proposal to relocate the closure will re-provide a rat run along Derwentwater Terrace and Ash Road – very similar to the situation prior to installation of the current temporary closure, when the rat run was up Ash Gardens to Ash Road.

Vision workshop 2

It's easy to become negative and disillusioned when you are faced day in, day out, with with poor facilities, intimidating junctions and aggressive drivers - but it doesn't have to be like this. Leeds Cycling Campaign is developing a vision for what Leeds might look like in the future, something very different to what we have now and a whole lot better for cyclists. We held our first workshop a week or so back where we threw everything we could think of onto flipcharts.

Cycling in the city centre - worse than we thought.

This fine sunny spring evening a group of us decided to try out cycling around the centre of Leeds. The idea was to do the sort of thing a normal human might want to do in this fine city - go to the train station, bus station, and visit the splendid Peddalers' Arms ('cos it's great) - on a bike. To be honest our expectations weren't that great. Most of us already had some experience of cycling in Leeds and had a fair idea of the sort of issues we might face.

Poynton's magic roundabout designer comes to Leeds

This evening, Ben Hamilton-Baillie talked at Leeds Met Rose Bowl about cutting edge street design - cars, cyclists, pedestrians, junctions and the need to rethink the best way of mixing all these together in both a functional and elegant way. His approach is to do away with all the usual paraphernalia of paint, signals, signs etc and replace all this with...well, nothing really. Perhaps a bit of subtle paving to hint at some shapes, but that's it.
