As part of the 'Connecting Leeds' scheme, improvements are being proposed for various sites in Leeds City Centre. Clearly it is important that these work for people on bikes and on foot, as well as those using public transport.
The overview and plans for all sections on this route can be found here:
Consultation is open until the 3rd August and we would encourage all members and supporters to respond with your comments. Some suggested responses are below. Please click on the blue headings, this will take you to the correct page to post comments or endorse existing comments about the specific sections.
Support restriction of private car use and public realm improvements. Dedicated facilities for cyclists should be provided where appropriate as sharing with buses is still a barrier for many people cycling. Consider using bus stop bypasses for cyclists.
Support restriction of general traffic from the Headrow and New Briggate. Protected cycle facilities should be provided as sharing with buses is intimidating for most. Support the general public realm improvements.
Victoria Gardens and Cookridge Street
Support closure of Cookridge Street to general traffic, although very important that access is retained for cyclists. Dedicated, protected cycle facilities should be provided, both along the Headrow and at the various junctions. Fully support the wider footways and general improvements for pedestrians.
Support enforcement of existing traffic regulations, although a protected cycle way is preferred over having to share with buses. Support pedestrian improvements and general public realm works.
Support restriction of general traffic in northbound lane. Protected cycle lanes should be provided instead of sharing with buses. Support pedestrian and public realm improvements.
Should consider the removal of the car park, this would reduce general traffic in this area. Support the simplification of the road layout, however, protected cycle ways should be provided as it is a very popular route. This would also have the benefit of cyclists not delaying buses. Support improvements for pedestrians.
Support restriction of general traffic and the provision of dedicated, protected cycle ways. Support pedestrian and pubic realm improvements. Both junctions with Woodhouse lane need to prioritise public transport, pedestrians and cyclists.
Bus stop bypasses for cyclists should be considered at all locations to prevent conflicts between buses, bus users, cyclists and pedestrians.
Multi storey car parks should be removed, thus removing a great amount of general traffic from Albion Street. There is plenty of width to provide dedicated cycle facilities.
Support the traffic restrictions, streetscape, and pedestrian improvements. Consideration should be given to dedicated cycle facilities.