CityConnect: the Leeds-Bradford superhighway, city centre parking, canal towpath refurbishment, etc. The consultation is just getting underway and we need every cyclist in Leeds to make our voices heard! Already there have been lots of comments from residents and Councillors about the possible loss of car parking spaces, and it has the potential to water down the design. If we want to keep it Super, we need to act! (A bit like little Ricky in Superman 3...)
If you can get along to an event, please do - and help to win over the doubters by proving that cyclists are real people! The consultation team are risking their lives out there on the street, promoting a way of travelling that is apparently popular over in Europe, but hasn't really caught on in Yorkshire yet.
Give them some much needed cheer by telling them you love the scheme and think it'll be great! Or give them some contructive comments about the design. What journeys might you use this route for? What are the particular hotspots that will need careful treatment? Vital links to and from nearby schools or public buildings? Nasty right turn that needs to be made safe? Bear in mind this route is meant to be safe for 11 year olds and 91 year olds alike, so racing to get in front of a van in the third lane of four should definitely be off the menu.
You can help from the sofa, by registering as a user and adding your comments to the map here:
You can comment on other people's comments, and vote them up or down. There's also a consultation survey. Get clicking, folks!