Cycling Consultation Forum will be held on Wednesday 8th October 2014. 6.00pm for a 6.15pm start. The meeting will close no later than 8:45pm and is held in the Civic Hall, Leeds - the white building on Millennium Square, with the golden owls. There is some cycle parking directly outside, and under cover in front of the Leeds Met Rose Bowl building.
The Cycling Consultation Meeting is a quarterly forum for discussion of matters related to cycling in Leeds. It is open to interested members of the public and is attended by elected members and officers of Leeds City Council.
Minutes from the July meeting can be downloaded from the bottom of this page. The agenda is as follows and downloadable below:
4. Issues raised by Forum members. Members are invited to raise issues prior to the meeting for discussion in this slot.
5. Cycle Forum Governance: Discussion regarding frequency and goals of the forum
6. Otley Cycling Developments. Joseph Cullen will update the forum on cycling developments and initiatives in Otley.
7. City Centre. An update will be given by Tim Parry on cycling in the City Centre.
8. West Yorkshire Cycle Map. Russell Oakes will update the forum on progress with consultation
9. “City Connect” Cycle superhighway. Progress will be reported by Mark Robinson
10. New Generation Transport. Update on progress in light of the Public Inquiry.
11. Tour de France Legacy: Brief update on legacy progress.
12. Leeds Core Cycle Network consultation. – Tim Parry will provide an update on current schemes
Hope to see you there!