Notes From Cycle Consultation Forum – Weds 9th January

Following a “Go Dutch” workshop hosted by transport planners from the Netherlands, Mark Robinson described a possible approach to Regent St. Mark reported the workshop had recommended “build stuff” – the attendees had asked about training and awareness and the Dutch had said “build quality stuff” – that’s more important. The proposal for Regent St is a “hybrid cycle lane” which would have on-road sections, with priority over side streets, and where no side streets exist, shared use on pavements. Detailed survey information should be available shortly.

Email Exchange With Tom Riordan, Chief Exec Leeds City Council, About NGT And Cycling In Leeds

Hi Tom,

Leeds Cyclists had our second detailed look at the NGT plans last night. It was genuinely encouraging to see how your people had taken on board the serious misgivings we raised at the Cycle Consultation Forum of the week prior. They seem to be 'getting our drift' now and considering changing plans to address specific concerns.

Where they are limited though is that they are clearly working within a wider framework, dictated I think by DfT, but also by the policies of LCC. They have been open and honest on the hierarchy of NGT design, which is:
