This is where you pay for your membership whether you are joining for the first time or renewing an existing membership.
There is now a single membership rate of £8 for an adult person whether they are single or part of a family or couple. These prices are effective from 1 January 2024.
Your payment options are:
1. Standing Order
Setting up a Standing Order with your bank or building society is easy, reduces admin for us and keeps costs down - which means more time and money spent on campaigning. Just download the Standing Order template from the bottom of this page, complete it and post it directly to your bank. If you are joining for the first time, please add your surname and postcode as the reference. If you are renewing, please just add "Mem" plus your membership number.
If you use internet or telephone banking, you can use the information in the template to set up a standing order in a similar way. As above just add your surname and postcode as a reference, or if renewing, "Mem" plus your and membership number.
2. Electronic Bank Transfer
Similar to the above but make a one-off payment using our bank details as given on the Standing Order template. If you are joining for the first time, please add your surname and postcode as the reference. If you are renewing, please just add "Mem" plus your membership number.
3. Cheque/Cash
The good old cheque still works. If you wish to pay this way, please write to us at: Leeds Cycling Campaign, c/o The Cardigan Centre, 145-149 Cardigan Road, Leeds LS6 1LJ. Please make your cheque payable to 'Leeds Cycling Campaign' and write your name and address (or membership number if renewing) on the back. If your only way to make payment is by cash, please contact the campaign Treasurer at the email address below and we will come to an arrangement with you.
In all cases we remind members they need to renew a few weeks before their membership is due to expire.
In addition to paying for your membership you can also choose to donate an extra amount to the Campaign.
If you have any queries about your payment please contact treasurer [at]