A message from one of our members Tim H:
I don't know if any members have tried using the Council's Houehold Waste Re-cycling Centres recently, but since Lockdown it has been officially impossible to access them without providing the registration of the vehicle you will be using for the visit.
Prior to Lockdown I was an occasional client of the Meanwood Facility using my bike-trailer. Since my bike doesn't have a registration it was not possible to use the Council's Online Slot booking system.
That all changed late last week, when the relevant section of the page was amended to read:
Car registration (If using a bicycle enter reg “BIKE” plus your year of birth; e.g. BIKE 1971)
I tried the new system today and it worked perfectly. (Apart from the cloudburst on the way home!) The staff were a little surprised to see me, but they were very good natured and amused that I had the correct paperwork.
I'd encourage any/all members to thank the Council for this concession (towards normalising cycling as a means of transport) by taking advantage of it!