Following a “Go Dutch” workshop hosted by transport planners from the Netherlands, Mark Robinson described a possible approach to Regent St. Mark reported the workshop had recommended “build stuff” – the attendees had asked about training and awareness and the Dutch had said “build quality stuff” – that’s more important. The proposal for Regent St is a “hybrid cycle lane” which would have on-road sections, with priority over side streets, and where no side streets exist, shared use on pavements. Detailed survey information should be available shortly.
An attendee asked about applying similar principles when resurfacing schemes happen: generally resurfacing is to a tight timescale with no opportunity for design and consultation, so road layouts are simply replaced. However if we can have plans ready for areas coming up for resurfacing, there will be more opportunity for improvements.
Cookridge Street: the preferred option is “a cracking scheme” according to Tim Parry, but Urban Traffic Control (UTC) are still not happy. NGT design team are OK with the planned Southbound cycling component but the sticking point is UTC and Loop road capacity. At the Headrow end, a better non-pavement solution may be possible.