One of the common complaints amongst members is that during road resurfacing, the lines are put back just as they were without any consideration of improving the situation for people on bikes.
Well, here is our chance to change that!
Below is a map with over 30 resurfacing schemes due to take place over the next 12 months highlighted. These are all schemes that the Council think could involve a change in the road markings and are asking for cyclists input. There are a few caveats, no traffic regulation orders are to be added, so no parking restrictions above what are there already. They are however open to the possibility of adding soft segregation measures such as bollards or wands.
To add your suggestions, please click on the scheme in question on the map, and a small box should appear with a link to a form. Please use this form to register comments, and add your email address so we can contact you about the possible design changes. There is a different form for each location, so please dont put all your suggestions in one form, using separate ones will make it easier for us to collate.
Use the icon in the top left to bring up a list, or the icon in the top right to open a bigger map.
Thanks, your suggestions will be much appreciated.