Leeds Cycling Consultation Forum - Wednesday 27/04/2016

Agenda is as follows (available as a Word document here), please scroll for a post-meeting update.

  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of previous meeting held 20th January 2016.
  3. Matters arising.
  4. Issues raised by Forum members.  Members were invited to raise issues prior to the meeting for discussion in this slot.  Please note that issues can still be raised in the meeting but it may not be possible to provide a detailed response. 
  • Spring Road
  • Cookridge Street
  • Dib Lane
  1. Cycle Sub-Group Update. A BRIEF update will be given regarding the items discussed at the new monthly sub-groups.
  • Leeds Bridge
  1. “City Connect” Cycle superhighway 1 & 2.  Progress report will be forwarded by Andy Norman (LCC).
  2.  Cycling Starts Here Strategy: Councilor Harington will provide a brief update on the TdF Legacy Boards progress. Ray Hill to Present Progress on the Leeds Cycle Strategy.
  3. DfT Walking and Cycling Investment Strategy: GO will discuss the new DfT strategy and Leeds’ approach to the consultation.
  4. Date of next meeting :(Provisionally planned for 13thh July 2016)



Other issues discussed during the meeting were as follows:

  • Mobile car-shaped bike stands - we have learned that they cost aprox. £1,000 each, and are monitored for use every 30 days. Based on this information they are moved into other areas.
  • CityConnect 2 work to start in September 2016 ("enabling" phase, such as moving street furniture), expected delivery date is March 2018.
  • There is also talk of CityConnect 3 which could include InnerTube, a cycle route around the city centre partially taking advantage of existing routes such as the towpath
  • The west part of CityConnect 1 should be completed by the end of May 2016, and the York Road part a few weeks later, possibly in June
  • CC1 Signs announcing the opening in Spring are to be updated
  • Parts of CC1 (Stanningley bottom) will include a controversial Poynton-style shared space, which will feature a 20 mph zones and give pedestrians and cyclists priority, but it's unclear how this will be enforced
  • As part of TdF legacy an event on Briggate will be held and the public will be asked to fill in a questionnaire, more details to be announced
  • The central government is looking for opinions on matters discussed inthe Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy document, there deadline for submissions - 23rd March
  • "Cycle Cities" are developing a joint strategy in the form of a standardized guidance during quarterly meetings
  • Work on a West Yorkshire digital cycling map is in progress
  • There are plans to close City Square to all vehicles
  • Next meeting - 13th July
  • We have also found out about the opening of the Elmet Greenway, here are some fuzzy photos of the flyer, a better quality PDF is to be shared with us soon


Wednesday, 27 April, 2016
Start time: 
End time: 