Call the cops - a meeting with West Yorkshire's Road Policing team.

The most commonly sited reason for not cycling is fear of traffic. Some of this fear can be overcome by familiarity. The first time you hear a bus or lorry grinding up behind you can be intimidating but when it passes sensibly – wide and slow – your realise that with a bit of common sense and mutual respect there is room for us all to share the road.

Leeds City Council's Cycle Consultation Forum

Leeds Cycle Consultation Forum is your chance to engage directly with the Council on cycling. The Agenda will probably include NGT (trolleybus), the Cycle City Ambition project and cycling superhighway, as well as plans under development for other cycling schemes around the city such as Regent Street and Cookridge Street and the long term Leeds Cycling Strategy. All welcome!

Once an agenda is published it will be available to download from this page.

Leeds Cycling Campaign Vision Meeting

Leeds Cycling Campaign Vision Meeting - Venue: Brewery Tap, New Station St,  Leeds, LS1 5DL

This is the next in the series of sessions to help us develop our vision for cycling in Leeds. Please come along and help us develop our plans; this session will focus on Milestones (what steps should we aim for on the road to achieving our Vision) and Challenges (what possible stoppers can we identify and what are the best ways of overcoming them?).

Scotland Lane and horses

Last week I attended a meeting a Lister Hill Baptist Church in Horsforth to discuss the problem of Scotland Lane. The meeting had been arranged by local resident and equestrian Carrie Emmerson. It was chaired by Cllr Dawn Collins and Nick Hunt from Leeds City Council's Highways Deaprtment was in attendance. The rest of the room was filled with 70+ folk who cared, and cared passionately, about the current sorry state of affairs. 
