Poynton's magic roundabout designer comes to Leeds

This evening, Ben Hamilton-Baillie talked at Leeds Met Rose Bowl about cutting edge street design - cars, cyclists, pedestrians, junctions and the need to rethink the best way of mixing all these together in both a functional and elegant way. His approach is to do away with all the usual paraphernalia of paint, signals, signs etc and replace all this with...well, nothing really. Perhaps a bit of subtle paving to hint at some shapes, but that's it.

Early Day Motion no. 679: Get Britain Cycling!

A very sensible and positive Early Day Motion has been proposed, so let's ask our local MPs to give their voices to the cycling cause. An EDM is a way for MPs to sign up to a cause and show their support for it in parliament. It doesn't normally lead to anything, but as you can see from the list below, it's a good way of finding out whether your MP is cycle-friendly.


Wednesday 1st May - city ride

One of the excellent ideas to come out of our recent meeting in the Adephi was to go for a ride around the city. There were two reasons for this: to test out the recommended cycle routes, and have fun :-)

We've yet to fix the exact route but the ride will start at 6pm from Millennium Square. We'll not be riding fast, but our aim is not to get in anyone's way or cause trouble, just to see if we can make our way safely around the city using the facilities provided. The ride will take no longer than an hour and we'll almost certainly end up in a pub afterwards. 

Manchester leaves Leeds languishing

Manchester is to get a Dutch style solution to a very busy and dangerous junction. The 2000 cyclists a day using the route will be able to choose from using the road, or a segregated cycle lane. There will be a dedicated signal phase to give cyclists time to make their turns. Read all about it (and possible weep) here:


Bikes on trains: left in the lurch.

Have you ever tried to take your bike on a train? If the answer it 'yes' then you'll probably be all too aware that it is often a bit of a trauma. Bike space is limited and often you cannot book so there's a chance there'll be no room. Some train operating companies are better than others though, and in Leeds our very own Northern Rail are as good as they get.
