Harrogate Road: Cockup or Conspiracy?

Increasing the number of people cycling, as part of a sustainable transport strategy, is good for the health, economy, and environment of any city.  Cycle-friendly planning is good for property values, retail vitality, local businesses, and has wider economic benefits due to reduced health-care costs and absenteeism.  It reduces CO2 emissions and improves air quality, has a low impact on the built environment, and alleviates noise pollution.  Cycling reduces levels of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cyclists live, on average, two years longer with fitness levels of people t

Leeds second most dangerous city in UK for cycling?

A really interesting, and rather worrying, blog post from 'Leeds Cycle People' about traffic growth and the risk of cycling in Leeds. Our city appears to be second only to Bradford (what is it about West Yorkshire?!) and twice as dangerous as Manchester and Liverpool in terms of risk to cyclists. These findings are a sad confirmation of what it feels like to cycle in Leeds, "the car-sick self-proclaimed ''motorway city of the 70s'".

Leeds: a city with ambitions for cycling?

We met with Mark Robinson, Leeds City Council Cycling Officer yesterday, to discuss the Cycle City Ambition funding. Mark indicated that Leeds will make a bid to the funding, as Leeds alone, not as part of a joint West Yorkshire bid. They're thinking of bidding for about £10m (the pot will have to be shared between all the successful bidders). Cycle links to Bradford may be considered as part of the bid. They are considering asking York for technical expertise. (We have some concerns about exactly how good the cycle infrastructure is in York and whether they really are 'expert'!)

Does Leeds City Council care about dangerous taxis?

On my commute into Leeds I regularly observe taxis parking in the cycle lane, and sometimes on the pavement, outside the Tapas bar on Kirkstall Road in order that the passenger can use the cash machine (photo from 14th Feb this year). This obstructs my passage and means I have to move out into the carriageway - which is very busy and moving at speed. The cycle lane is mandatory and road marked with double-yellow lines. Parking on the pavement I believe to be illegal. 
